
Literary (Submission): Plastic Labyrinth

10/31/2019 08:10:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Benign... it's all you can think of...
You're stuck in your personal prison, caged by fellowmen, sharing the same fate.
Unmoving, as the unwavering dread lays upon you.
You see her, she...
The passage's guardian...
Standing strong with her mystical lectures.
Baffling all of your being.
Swindled by her manipulations.
Hours upon hours of her mind-numbing trickery.
You can't…
You can't take it anymore, not a second...
You rummage through your belongings...
You feel it.
Its sweet coldness calms your nerves.
You pull it out, the technological marvel, from your pocket.
Its shine reinvigorates your soul--your stoic restless soul-- worn down by the hours you've persisted.
You look at those digital numbers displayed on the glass, and...
The light drains from your eyes.
Disappointment, frustration, you feel them well up inside you.
You stare at those symbols...
It's only been 10 minutes...

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