
Literary (Submission): You aren’t the Sun

10/31/2019 08:35:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

i won’t compare you to the sun
not because the sun’s the thing you relate her to the most
- well, that may be part of the reason
but -
that may be the only reason

i cannot bring myself to express my admiration through saying
"you're like the sun"
knowing that you'll be reminded of someone else
though that's not stopping me from wording how great of a person you are
my words, or words in general, wouldn't be enough
but i'll try

i'll compare you to the stars
the stars aren't any less than the sun
looking at them, you'll be in awe at how brilliant they seem to appear
they're more than just small particles
more than just a small detail of a big masterpiece we call the universe
for the sky wouldn't be complete without the stars

do you know how these celestial bodies guide sailors to the right direction?
i'm one of the sailors you've helped;
you lit up the dark path i called the future
and led me towards
the route i should start taking

they aren't doing anything out of the ordinary
nor are they trying out various stunts to please me
they're just being themselves
and with that, they effortlessly caught my attention
as well as my admiration

my feelings are merely a part of the thousands, even millions, of hearts you have touched just by being yourself
which is why i wouldn't expect you to notice them
i wouldn't expect you to return them despite the tiny gestures that you show that may or may not result to me thinking that you,
even just a little,
feel the same way
i wouldn't expect you to shift your gaze towards someone like me
someone who's much less than the initial sun you've seen and brought yourself to love
i wouldn't expect
since expectation means for the possibility to feel disappointment to arise

but that doesn't conclude that i'll stop whatever i'm feeling towards the stars
for the stars are amazing
- just like you

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