
Literary (Submission): Our ticking clock

10/31/2019 09:25:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

"Time starts now."

It's funny how people want 
to always move
to chase
to use all their time

Waking up in the morning
Watching the sun rise
Racing to something great

Eyes meeting 
For the first time
Lips touching
Like never before
Feet moving
Closer to one another
Paths crossing
"I love you."

And a single heartbeat
Hoping to let this love grow

Im not yet ready
to move
to change
to use the time

Staring at the stars
Pausing the last seconds of each sunset
Staying in our love's arms

My eyes begging
For the last time
Our lips parting
Like I thought they never would
Your feet moving
Away from mine
Our paths splitting
"But I love myself more."

And a million emotions
Hoping to hold this moment longer

"Please don't leave me."

"Time stops now."

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