Jelena Evangelista,

Sports: Rough start for the UPISGVT for round two

10/12/2019 08:15:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

The UPIS Girls’ Volleyball Team (UPISGVT) dropped to a 0-7 standing after being devoured by the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Junior Tigresses in straight sets, 18-25, 18-25, 14-25, on October 5, 2019 at Paco Arena, Manila.

Set one started slow for the Junior Maroons with Team Captain Alizia Marquez and senior Trixie Badong missing the game because of the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT).

The first point went to UPIS with a net touch error from UST. UPIS gained points from UST’s attack errors but the Maroons’ errors also increased. This went on and on until they reached the final score of 18-25 with UST in the lead.

Their play for the second set wasn’t much different from their first. The same number of errors and points for both teams were executed by the same set of players.

The Junior Maroons scored points from heart-stopping rallies at the first quarter of the second set. Although UPIS took the lead,, their errors gave an opportunity for the Thomasians to garner many attacking points thus ending the set with a score of 18-25.

Attacking points from UST boomed in the third set while UPIS struggled to make points. The UPISGVT tried to catch up but they were dragged down by their constant service errors at the crucial part of the third set, ending the final set with a score of 14-25. //by Jelena Evangelista

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