
Literary (Submission): Dream

10/31/2019 09:00:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Why am I seeing this
Seeing the same dream
The cold droplets from the cloud
The bang of thunder, so crisp, so loud
The faint noises of trees from the rear
The rustling sound of grass like a cheer
I always see this beautiful scene
But I do not know what it means

Every time I open my eyes
And reality rushes to me like a scream
The cold sweat covering me like a shroud
The bang of my heart, so heavy, so loud
The faint voices of terror and fear
The rustling sound of hurt so clear
I always see that wonderful dream
And now I know what they really mean

I dream that dream to help and soothe
To mask the sad and terrible truth
Invisible to the naked eye
Covered by this beautiful lie

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