New year, new day, new me.
Literary: About Time
Journal Entry #20
New year, new day, new me.
I can’t believe it’s my final year in high school. I’ve been going to the same school, which I treated as my second home, for the past 13 years, and now, in a few months, I’m leaving. Time flies by so fast! I remember when I took my test here and how clueless and weird I felt when my parents were almost crying with joy because I passed and qualified for UPIS. They were more excited than me, and I thought it was just another school for another year.
On my first day, I immediately made friends with most of the class. In third grade, I knew each and every one of my batch mates and spent the whole of elementary getting to know them. By the time we’re all in high school, we were all so close despite having different circles of friends. I made some great group of friends.
In high school, I had a hard time because I chose a strand I’m not very good at. I had a hard time keeping up with submitting the requirements, and sometimes not even doing them. There were a lot of nights when I broke down and cried myself to sleep, or literally had no sleep at all. I would just cry until it was time for me to wake up and get ready for another day at school. But on the other hand, I was really thankful for being a part of this team I’m currently on because I learned a lot of new things and I developed more of my skills in this field. It was a great, sometimes bumpy, ride with y’all, MC 2020, and I couldn’t ask for better colleagues.
Yours truly,
Orange Popsicle, MC 2020