
Feature: It’s a YES!

2/21/2020 07:50:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

As many of us know, the Junior-Senior promenade is coming this April. Thus, it is very timely that you think about what your plans are for the night. Going to prom with your friends would be fun, but have you ever imagined going with a date? Having a date for prom will surely make it exciting and memorable, especially when you are with your special someone. Asking a boy or girl to prom or "promposing” won't be that easy, but considering these things might help you get his or her "yes".

1. Make sure he or she is available

First off, of course, you don’t want to get in trouble with anybody. If the person you want to ask already has a date or is in a relationship, it’s best to think of another person to ask. You could also reconsider just going alone and joining your friends because there is nothing wrong with going stag.

2. Choose a date for your promposal

It is important to prepare early, because, one, someone might also prompose to the person that you have in mind. Two, you need to plan the whole thing while still gathering the courage to do it. Two to three months away from the event is the most ideal time for you to prompose. Promposing at this time will also give you a chance to plan everything like what your transportation will be, what you’ll be wearing, and where you’ll be staying and/or going before and after the prom.

3. Know your budget

When planning your promposal, you need to think about your budget and the things you need to buy. Spend only the necessary amount of money because you don't want to waste all of your money on the promposal. It is better if the money you are going to spend is from your own savings. This shows that you are really prepared and that you planned the promposal very well ahead of time.

4. Plan accordingly

You should somehow know the personality of the person you are going to prompose to. You can design or make the theme of your promposal based on what he or she prefers. Prepare the food or treats that he or she likes the most. Lastly avoid doing or including something that you know he or she might dislike.

5. Don’t cram 

You want the person to say yes and feel special, so you have to plan. Not being ready may cause you to forget what you want to say and end up messing up the whole thing.

Cramming may also lead to unaesthetic room design and background that is not according to what you are expecting. That could make the chance of them saying no higher.

6. Keep it private

As much as possible, keep your promposal private. Yes, you can post some pictures after the promposal, but during, you must only be with your closest friends or the people important to you. You don't want the person you're asking to say yes just because of peer pressure. If still, you find a big crowd gathering at your promposal, you could ask the people to go or you could go somewhere more private with your soon-to-be prom date and pop the question there.

7. Give him or her time

Normally, when you prompose, you hear an answer right away. But if the person you are asking is not ready to answer yet, don’t pressure him or her. Give him or her the time to decide and breathe some air because promposals can be overwhelming.

8. Don't assume, ask

If you are in a relationship, that’s not an assurance you have a date. It's not given that you will be going to the prom together, unless one of you asks. You always have to ask.

Following these tips won’t guarantee that the person you’re promposing to will say yes, but it will surely increase the chances that he or she will and be impressed. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t be afraid to shoot your shot. //by Miggy Castro

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