danzar dellomas,

Feature: Money-saving tips for students

2/21/2020 07:55:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

There are so many things that we need money for when we go to school such as books, food, school supplies , printing services, transportation and a lot more! But the problem is, our allowance is our main or only source of money. In addition to that, we often lack money because we spend it on things that are not necessary for the time being. We can’t help but buy them because they look good when we window-shop in the mall, but after buying them, we realize that we should have spent the money on things that we actually need.

The good news is that there are simple ways to save money and there are also ways on how to spend wisely. Sit back and have a drink because this article will show you how to do them!

1) Save money in a coin bank.

COIN BANK. A coin is dropped into a jar for future use. Photo Credit: https://stories.paymaya.com

Why don’t you start the habit of saving up simply by accumulating money in a coin bank? This is a good place for your spare change from transportation and other expenses. Don't underestimate dropping a single coin in the bank every day because once you fill it up, it can really help you buy the things you want. You can even use it to help your parents with paying for things like your school supplies. It might take a long time to have your coin bank full to the brim, but it'll be worth it. After all, placing money inside the coin bank is better than losing it under the couch or the cushion, right? Like what they say, every drop (of a coin) counts!

2) Take advantage of student discounts.

20% OFF. A student discount sign is plastered on the window of the shop. Photo Credit: https://www.bigheartofswansea.co.uk

As students, we have certain advantages when it comes to paying for things. We have discounts on things such as transportation, tickets, food, and many more! You may use a discount like this on the famous university-wide IKOT Jeep, where the student's price is usually one peso lower than the regular price. This may not seem like a lot at first but you’re going to realize that you are saving money in the long run. Before you know it, you'll have money to spend on other things just by being a little clever and not paying the full price. Sounds fun, right? Knowing your discounts as a student can be helpful in keeping those extra coins. Don’t forget to take advantage of every discount before you graduate!

3) Pack meals instead of buying.

LET’S EAT. Packing lunch for school rather than buying meals in the canteen. Photo Credit: https://www.realsimple.com

Meals in fast-food places or restaurants are quite expensive nowadays. Most of our money is spent on food, and we can’t argue that we should not hold back on that. So, I have a tip for you! Rather than using your allowance on expensive food choices, why don’t you pack a meal from your kitchen and bring it with you to school? By doing so, you can use some of your money for other things such as school supplies and you’ll know for sure that you like the food that you’ll eat for lunch. Yummy!

4) Make a budget plan.

MONEY PLANNER. Budgeting money helps in managing expenses in school. Photo credit: https://www.pinterest.ph

Budgeting your money can be helpful, especially for those who are impulsive buyers. By doing this, your allowance will be properly allocated to all of your justified expenses. Limiting your budget to the things you want to buy is a good thing for those who want to have extra money. It disciplines your mind and helps you avoid continuously using your allowance without realizing that you had spent way too much at some point.

5) Figure out what your wants and needs are.

PRIORITIZING. Deciding what to prioritize in using our money. Photo Credit: https://www.rocksdigital.com

As students, we should know our priorities. Let me give you a piece of advice: write down all the things that you need to buy and all the things that you want to buy. Look at them and focus on the list of things that you need first. After allocating enough money for them, you can start enjoying cashing out some of your excess money on the things you want and save the rest. You should have self-discipline and control over yourself, otherwise, a time could come when you don't have money for the things you need because you'd already spent it on things you don’t.

6) Keep track of your spending.

TRACK IT ALL. Tracking all your spending to control budgeting. Photo Credit: https://www.sweetplanit.com

Tracking all the things you bought helps you identify where your allowance goes. You can also see how much you spend on food, transportation, hobbies, leisure, and other expenses. By doing so, you can see what you spend too much on and eventually plan your budget better. Even though it’s a lot of work, it is worth it once you see how much you save. Don’t you worry because we have already developed technology to help you out! Instead of writing everything down, why don’t you use apps such as PocketBook, MoneyBrilliant, and You Need a Budget that can be found in Google Play? Thank me later!

There are numerous other ways to be wise in spending our allowance, but these tips can help students like us save money without relying so much on our guardians’ help. We should know how to manage our money by ourselves and learn how to do it independently. Why don’t we all start now?

If you want to find out more information, you can check these links: https://www.goget.com.au, https://www.prospects.ac.uk

//by Danzar Dellomas

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