
Literary: Spring

2/14/2020 08:18:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

We met in the spring,
When all was new
And you gave this heart of mine
A chance to bloom.

For summer left me unprepared
Just as fall took my spirit
And the cold winter winds left me hanging on on my own
I waited
If there was a soul that echoed mine.

And then, there you were
And time suddenly slowed.
You gave me the sun
Creating a world separate from what we knew
You were golden.

Every color, you brought to my skies
And they burst with possibility
The grass was greener
And I’d never felt so free, so alive

Your hand clutched mine
As we leapt over the clouds
And I could so easily forget everything else
When I saw your face

Everything was better
Like a dream, perfection.

But we both knew
It was simply a taste of a life
That we could not own.

Seasons change
No matter what we do.
But I hope that you know
I wait for you every time
Spring comes by.

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