
Literary: Places, Places

3/03/2016 08:03:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Places, places
I want to go to places
Meet new people
See new faces
While everyone looks through curtains,
I'll be standing in front of the closet
To know what to wear
To my destination when I get there
So I best be on my way
Places, places

Places, places
Why, you ask?
To unwind, relax
Without a stressful task
Mountains, plateaus, then valleys and hills
Feeling the wind on my face and the thrill
Waterfalls, rivers, seas and oceans
To wash away my worries and negative emotions
So why not?
Places, places

Places, places
Here at last
But never contented
For the world is too vast
So I stand again and travel once more
To see the things I've never seen before
I wish
Because I really do
Want to see something beautiful
Something more beautiful than you
That's why I travel
Places, places

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