If I promised that I’d love you
That I would care for you
That I would enjoy every minute spent with you
Would you be satisfied?
Would we laugh blissfully
At how life seemed to magically
Make two spirited individuals meet?
Would everything be alright then?
If I promised you this, I’d be lying.
I’d be lying if I told you I loved you,
If I told you I’d learn to love you
For I have no love to give.
Forgive me.
I can’t, I won’t promise you
The love you so deserve.
I have seen your heart broken
And I would never wish to be
The one to break it again.
Bitterness and resentment
Make my heart their home.
If cut open, it would bleed
Only misery of the worst kind
As it has bled so many times before.
As I lay in contemplation
I can only wish the Universe, the Grand-Maker
Or whoever being residing in the never-ending sky
Would grant you all that it has so neglected me.
Happiness of the most perfect kind
Complete, in all its glory and incandescence
Be it in something, or someone, or somewhere
May it light in you hope
In everything,
In everyone,
In everywhere.
Maybe you’ll even find love of the best kind.
I’ll be waiting for that day
And when that time comes
I’ll be leaving in good spirits
Knowing the heartless can be happy after all
In seeing the happiness of others.
Literary: Heartless

If I promised that I’d love you
That I would care for you
That I would enjoy every minute spent with you
Would you be satisfied?
Would we laugh blissfully
At how life seemed to magically
Make two spirited individuals meet?
Would everything be alright then?
If I promised you this, I’d be lying.
I’d be lying if I told you I loved you,
If I told you I’d learn to love you
For I have no love to give.
Forgive me.
I can’t, I won’t promise you
The love you so deserve.
I have seen your heart broken
And I would never wish to be
The one to break it again.
Bitterness and resentment
Make my heart their home.
If cut open, it would bleed
Only misery of the worst kind
As it has bled so many times before.
As I lay in contemplation
I can only wish the Universe, the Grand-Maker
Or whoever being residing in the never-ending sky
Would grant you all that it has so neglected me.
Happiness of the most perfect kind
Complete, in all its glory and incandescence
Be it in something, or someone, or somewhere
May it light in you hope
In everything,
In everyone,
In everywhere.
Maybe you’ll even find love of the best kind.
I’ll be waiting for that day
And when that time comes
I’ll be leaving in good spirits
Knowing the heartless can be happy after all
In seeing the happiness of others.