
Literary: Wander

3/03/2016 08:33:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

You walk around, no big deal
With absolutely no plan in mind
Just to wander to nowhere
Anywhere but here

Anywhere but school
You never liked going to places
Where you conform, where you try to fit in
Yet end up short, never equal to your peers

You liked learning, to wolf down information
Yet there, you realize you just try to find a safe zone,
Never failing and not exceeding expectations either
Because you are tired, so tired, of trying to live up to ideals

Anywhere but home
Home is food and rest and safety
Appealing though they are, noise fills every home
That static noise that tells you are never enough

Because every mistake, every failure
Bleeds through your walls
Screaming at you to do better, and listen
And listen you shall, but your heart is never better

Anywhere, just anywhere
A place unknown, a room of strangers
Anywhere you are hidden, from speculation, from judgement
Even for just a moment, free

Free to wander
Free to learn, to live by your own rules, your own pace
To fit in as the wanderer, walking your feet off, to nowhere
Always alone and content to stay in the background

Watching people live their lives
Go places as you are too
Wishing they find themselves, wherever they wish
Anywhere, everywhere, over there where the sun shines the brightest

May we find a somewhere
In anywhere
But here

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