Before I held your hand, I asked you to:
"Dance with me and turn my frown upside down;
Dance with me until I feel at ease;
Dance with me, make me feel safe."
As your hand held mine, you promised:
"I'll dance with you for as long as I can;
I'll dance with you to make you feel my love;
I'll dance with you and never leave your side."
As we moved closer, the first notes played,
Bringing a different beat to our hearts;
Filling the air with a colorful melody;
Providing harmony to every step we make.
For the first eights, carefully, we both danced;
Waltzing our way into each other's hearts.
Every sway was perfect and synchronized;
Everything polished as the last eights passed.
We promised each other another dance
A chance to correct all the things that went wrong;
Another dance to mend our wounds and scars;
A risk we tried not to be afraid of.
Little did we know that would be our last dance;
No matter how many tries, I fall out of balance;
You tried to catch me the way you promised;
But still, I stumbled and left you behind.
It's better to exit the stage and find our separate ways
To not get trapped in the dance floor of our promises.
Now, the audience stand and leave, the lights dim down;
The curtains close, finally ending the show.
Literary (Submission): Broken Waltz

Before I held your hand, I asked you to:
"Dance with me and turn my frown upside down;
Dance with me until I feel at ease;
Dance with me, make me feel safe."
As your hand held mine, you promised:
"I'll dance with you for as long as I can;
I'll dance with you to make you feel my love;
I'll dance with you and never leave your side."
As we moved closer, the first notes played,
Bringing a different beat to our hearts;
Filling the air with a colorful melody;
Providing harmony to every step we make.
For the first eights, carefully, we both danced;
Waltzing our way into each other's hearts.
Every sway was perfect and synchronized;
Everything polished as the last eights passed.
We promised each other another dance
A chance to correct all the things that went wrong;
Another dance to mend our wounds and scars;
A risk we tried not to be afraid of.
Little did we know that would be our last dance;
No matter how many tries, I fall out of balance;
You tried to catch me the way you promised;
But still, I stumbled and left you behind.
It's better to exit the stage and find our separate ways
To not get trapped in the dance floor of our promises.
Now, the audience stand and leave, the lights dim down;
The curtains close, finally ending the show.