contre jour,

I have no fear of Time’s relentless pace,
Nor Death’s pursuit, unyielding and assured,
Yea, these two terrors leave me but unfazed,
E’en if my fall to them has been ensured;
For Death may put me in his spectered glade,
As Time goes on his march and leaves me killed,
Though years may pass my words and verse shan’t fade,
Through time my voice shall ring, eternal still,
And those who’ve heard or listened to my verse,
Shall laugh or weep as I have laughed or wept,
For though in time and place we are diverse,
Within my words my very soul is kept,
Let me be bound to those I’ll never meet,
Through my verse whom Death shall never greet
Literary: I Have No Fear of Time's Relentless Pace

I have no fear of Time’s relentless pace,
Nor Death’s pursuit, unyielding and assured,
Yea, these two terrors leave me but unfazed,
E’en if my fall to them has been ensured;
For Death may put me in his spectered glade,
As Time goes on his march and leaves me killed,
Though years may pass my words and verse shan’t fade,
Through time my voice shall ring, eternal still,
And those who’ve heard or listened to my verse,
Shall laugh or weep as I have laughed or wept,
For though in time and place we are diverse,
Within my words my very soul is kept,
Let me be bound to those I’ll never meet,
Through my verse whom Death shall never greet