
Literary: You

3/03/2016 08:37:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

I distinctly remember
The smell of steak that my father grilled
The colors of thread that my mother knitted
And the joyous sound of laughter, songs, and stories
That filled a four walled structure—

I distinctly remember
How all of that changed
Into a sea of gray.

The room became too big for me
And the shadows that they left
Too quiet
For all the thoughts
I had no courage to speak of
Too dark
For me to find who I am
And to find love once more.

Then I found a place
That unconsciously, makes me happy
Where I distinctly remember
The joyous sound of laughter
The brightest of eyes and smiles,
And how anything turns into my everything
I found you—
A new home
Beyond a four walled structure
Where I find ease
That of all places
It’s where I will always choose to stay.

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