Set Yourself on Fire
I crave for flavors
That can never
Grace my plate
For voices
That can’t even
Mouth my name
For arms
That shudder
With just a single touch
I long for you
And I am scared
For whatever I yearn
Turns out of ambition and vain
I am not the one you seek
Yet still I strain
To keep you within my reach
As if I was made
To be ablaze
But never actually
Set you in flames
Literary: Set Yourself on Fire x I Drown in Rain

Set Yourself on Fire
I crave for flavors
That can never
Grace my plate
For voices
That can’t even
Mouth my name
For arms
That shudder
With just a single touch
I long for you
And I am scared
For whatever I yearn
Turns out of ambition and vain
I am not the one you seek
Yet still I strain
To keep you within my reach
As if I was made
To be ablaze
But never actually
Set you in flames
I Drown in Rain
I deserved not flavors
That rid my palette
Of bitter past
Nor the voice
That sung hymns
Of my cursed name
Nor the arms
That held me
And my burdens
I have denied you
And I am scared
For whatever I did
Turned out of illusion and pain
I am not the one you need
Yet still you strain
To reach what you will never keep
As if it was meant
To be drenched
And forever more
Be drowned in rain