
Literary: Questions on the Corner

4/06/2019 08:39:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

You swore you’d meet me on the corner at 9
And I’ve been waiting for some time
Alone but for the questions in my mind
“Where could she be?”
”Could she be busy?”
”Is she awake or still sleeping peacefully?”
I thought you’d arrive soon but then
It started drizzling as the clock struck ten
And my mind was filled with questions again
“Could something have happened?”
”Has our meeting been unsanctioned?”
”Might she have been sent on an errand?”
Disheartened, I begun pacing
As the drizzling turned to rain and the wet clock struck eleven
And my mind began to question and imagine
“Has our love been in vain?”
“Has she left me waiting in the rain?”
“Should I go or should I remain?”
Hopelessly, I continued waiting
As the rain turned to downpour and I heard the bells ring
Left without tears yet inside I was already crying
”Why was I not enough?”
”Have you found someone else you love?”
“How about the things we dreamed of?”
I was about to leave when the rain stopped, as did the clock
As I saw you on the other corner of the block
And my mind started to ask in shock
“Have I been waiting on the wrong corner?”
”Have you been here, waiting even longer?”
”Does it even matter?”
You swore you’d meet me on the corner at nine
And you’ve been waiting for some time
Alone but for the questions in your mind

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