
Literary: Burnt

4/27/2019 08:44:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Here I stand in the grasp of the light
It pierces my eyes as it glows so bright
This fire “definitely” burns what’s true
Then it attacks when it’s close to you

Before it attacked, I inched way too close
Reaching, it’s flame’s burning, I didn’t know
Like a firefly, allured by the light that I’ve seen
‘Til I did learn that it’s hostile and mean

Fire, why does your body burn when I touch it
And keeps me at bay whenever it’s lit?
I’m suffering, yet you are still ablaze?
Do you not see my struggles in this constant haze?

Why do your embers dance all around me?
Taunting me with all the red that I see
This inferno sizzles my very bones
As you throw me all of your sticks and stones

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