
“I take you, to be my love…”
Her eyes were beautiful-
A window to her lovely soul
A maiden so prim
Who took a chance on love
“…to have and to hold, from this day forward…”
A gamble it may seem,
But the maiden and the prince
Held each other, swayed and danced
Through the brightest of days
And even the stormy nights
“…for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer…”
She has lost her tiara—
All the love and happiness she ought to have
Her prince caught her in a castle of love
But the walls are squeezing her inside, leaving her bleary
All windows are slowly closing
no ray of beauty, but a strangling room of hurt
This is what losing in love might be
“…In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish…”
How funny that kings and queens say the same vows
But only a few make it true
Promises so real—
Only while young and ardent
They have caused a disconcertment of love
And this atrocity—
“…Till death do us part.”
Literary: 'Til Death Do Us Part

“I take you, to be my love…”
Her eyes were beautiful-
A window to her lovely soul
A maiden so prim
Who took a chance on love
“…to have and to hold, from this day forward…”
A gamble it may seem,
But the maiden and the prince
Held each other, swayed and danced
Through the brightest of days
And even the stormy nights
“…for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer…”
She has lost her tiara—
All the love and happiness she ought to have
Her prince caught her in a castle of love
But the walls are squeezing her inside, leaving her bleary
All windows are slowly closing
no ray of beauty, but a strangling room of hurt
This is what losing in love might be
“…In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish…”
How funny that kings and queens say the same vows
But only a few make it true
Promises so real—
Only while young and ardent
They have caused a disconcertment of love
And this atrocity—
“…Till death do us part.”