
Literary: Happy Teacher's Day!

10/05/2016 08:13:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Dear teachers, you’re great
You guys taught us how to count from one to eight
Not nine, or the number ten
Because you guys are eleven out of eleven.

You guys rock,
Both literally and metamorphically
Together we have Philippine History
You and I are like pamili

Teachers don’t leave us hanging
Like Frisbees that keep on flying
You are beautifuller than Maria Clara
Or Juli, Paulita Gomez, or Laura

Teachers are bootipul leik hanibis
End bicoz op u, we kno dat zat is simili
But still, this poem I as informal
As a formal theme is formal

Your voice is music to our ears
Even if our quizzes we fear
Ur klas to us is patok
It makes us beri baroque

To you teachers we say “wow ah”
Iben ip we are kawawa
If we’re thinking of going to France
We will seek help at guidance

Ur signatures
Are as great as Sir Anton’s caricatures
If during clearance, you re nowhere to be found
My grades will be useless, lying on the ground

Here ends our ode to you
Thank you for all the things you do
Sounds like a lie, but it’s true
We will always love you

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