
Literary (Submission): The Art of Being Blind

5/26/2018 09:08:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

All my life, I’ve only known darkness
So you might ask
How then, could I admire this world?

I could…
Taste the sweet summer breeze on the beach,
The warm, newly baked croissants straight from the oven
And the lively flavor of morning coffee

I could…
Smell the flowers in the yard next to my house,
The faint scent of my favorite person,
And the wind weaving through the pine tress

I could…
Hear children’s laughter after school
A mother’s comforting words
And the complex notes of my favorite symphony

I could…
Feel the cold air during an extremely humid afternoon,
A pair of warm hands guiding me to where I need to go,
And the bumps on a surface to help me read

With my four senses, I could still appreciate
What this earth has to offer
I am not denied of its beauty
Even though I was deprived of sight

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