
You are the greatest art form
From your painted heavy locks
To the ground on which you walk
It is you
The way your eyes reflect the world
As if worthy to see itself
The way you move to nature's music
As if the world was dancing too
How you parted your lips
Like seas of pink flesh
To utter the shortest romances
To whisper "I love you"
In cold nights of thunder screams
When you breathe under blankets
Lifting them up, and falling back down
As if they were alive – as if they were life
And as if life was like you
The way our worlds collide
Whenever our fingertips touched
Destroying what was then known
Making it tangible and true – something new
Your presence graces me,
Like passages of scriptures past,
Bringing me back to nostalgic reverie
Away from this new world, it takes me back
You are the deconstruction and reformation
Of realities I've lived in once
You revive pleasant memories from desolation
And recolor bored, black and white reruns
You have redefined what it means to be alive
And how art transcends our being
You have elevated my appreciation and understanding of it all
My dear, you are the greatest art form
Literary: The Greatest Form of Art

You are the greatest art form
From your painted heavy locks
To the ground on which you walk
It is you
The way your eyes reflect the world
As if worthy to see itself
The way you move to nature's music
As if the world was dancing too
How you parted your lips
Like seas of pink flesh
To utter the shortest romances
To whisper "I love you"
In cold nights of thunder screams
When you breathe under blankets
Lifting them up, and falling back down
As if they were alive – as if they were life
And as if life was like you
The way our worlds collide
Whenever our fingertips touched
Destroying what was then known
Making it tangible and true – something new
Your presence graces me,
Like passages of scriptures past,
Bringing me back to nostalgic reverie
Away from this new world, it takes me back
You are the deconstruction and reformation
Of realities I've lived in once
You revive pleasant memories from desolation
And recolor bored, black and white reruns
You have redefined what it means to be alive
And how art transcends our being
You have elevated my appreciation and understanding of it all
My dear, you are the greatest art form