
Literary (Submission): For the Right Love That'll Come

2/17/2017 09:24:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

I’m sorry.
It’s been a while.
Perhaps I’m still an emotional wreck,
But I know I loved you for a reason.

Bear with me, I know I can be indecisive
But the truth is I just don’t like to assume.
I don’t like giving meaning to the little things.
It makes me think about the wrong things.

I don’t understand mixed signals.
Please, let me feel that this is worth it.
I promise you that I’ll let you know
That I loved you for the right reasons.
Because I’m pretty sure that I’d hesitate
Even with the slightest of doubts.

Help me remember
How it feels like to be loved.
Help me remember
How even the darkness can be the brightest of places.
How I can still be loved
Even though I can’t get myself together.
How you can revive
The ember that once burned for someone else.

Forgive me if sometimes, I compare you to her.
It’s not that she set my standards,
But sometimes these little things of the past
Just suddenly shine like the stars that come and go.

You deserve to be happy,
To be loved by the right people.
I hope that I am worthy of your heart
Because I know you’re more than worthy of mine.

I promise you, I won’t look back.
Because I know that things had to happen the way they did
So I can find my way to you.

Stay with me.
I’ll show you how much I love you
And why love is always worth coming back for.

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