
Literary (Submission): Man's Flight

9/25/2018 08:46:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Terra's vast, wide blue skies,
The unending heights we all recognize.
Long has man desired to soar these heights,
Wishing that from the sky he’d see the sights.

Limited by biology,
Man looked to technology.
He tried and failed, at first,
But failure only increased his thirst.

Man eventually had success,
Balloons carried him above the trees,
Jets allowed him to fly from place to place,
He even now looks to conquer the vastness of space.

However, if man took to the skies for curiosity,
Why did man use his jets to rain fire on fellow man with such ferocity?
Why did man use his supremacy of the skies to subjugate other nations?
Man's peaceful creations twisted and used for vile applications

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