
Literary (Submission): You in Every Dream

9/24/2015 09:04:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

You started out as a wandering thought
My mind's eye searched for you
Leaving me with a faraway look
And a pit of emptiness inside

Recurring dream
I never thought that you would be
A constant in my unconsciousness
Over and over, again and again
Always you, you in every dream

But reality infiltrated my phantasm
I could never catch you in my sleep
You just weren't mine to keep
I began to dread the moon's awakening

Lucid dream
Then again it was a chance to see you
A chance to just keep on trying
I realized that I may be just an illusion
But that doesn't mean I'm powerless

Mutual dream
Maybe if I wish hard enough
I'll finally catch you in my slumber
And maybe your fantasy and mine
Will at last come hand in hand

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