I only envision things
In black and white.
Empty is the word I’d use
To describe my feelings.
Love was just
Part of my imagination.
This was my world
Before you came,
Before "we" happened.
In just a snap
You redefined
Everything in my life.
You lit up
Every lamp inside my soul
And patched up
My heart
Once filled with holes.
You showed me
How to live
Instead of just exist.
You taught me to live,
To love,
To breathe.
And I will always be thankful
To you—the artist
Who painted me
With colors
I thought I would never see.
Literary: Obra Maestra

I only envision things
In black and white.
Empty is the word I’d use
To describe my feelings.
Love was just
Part of my imagination.
This was my world
Before you came,
Before "we" happened.
In just a snap
You redefined
Everything in my life.
You lit up
Every lamp inside my soul
And patched up
My heart
Once filled with holes.
You showed me
How to live
Instead of just exist.
You taught me to live,
To love,
To breathe.
And I will always be thankful
To you—the artist
Who painted me
With colors
I thought I would never see.