
Literary (Submission): Dear Mellow Yellow

12/03/2015 09:51:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Dear Mellow Yellow,

I know it's weird for a guy like me to write a letter like this to you. But allow me to take this time to show how much I really care for you. We've been best friends for a long time, yet I never really had a chance to say what I feel.

Every day I wait for a sign. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes. I will wait, for love is patient. Whether this sign will tell me that we could be or if we were just not meant for each other, doesn't matter.

Whatever this sign tells me, I am willing to accept the truth. I want you to know that every joke I tell, every piece of advice I give, all the little things I do for you, are all out of love. Without love, all of these are just meaningless words, lost actions, and empty promises.

I'll admit that losing you would make me sad and break my heart in two. But a girl like you is worth every sacrifice, I will never have regrets chasing after you.


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