
Literary: The Astronaut x The Universe

2/04/2016 08:31:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

The Astronaut

The boy was walking and there up ahead
The sun which used the heavens as a bed
With its fiery form and dazzling eyes
The boy immediately fell for its guise

The boy was smart and so he knew
He can’t love the sun from this point of view
So he snatched a ladder from their attic
He then realized it was a crazy antic

The boy then figured that he had to think harder
So he decided to build a much higher ladder
The boy knew that a single tree won’t do
So he cut down a whole forest which his ancestors grew

Piece by piece, he put the ladder together
Step by step, to the sun, he got nearer
But halfway through, albeit too soon
The sun went down, replaced by the moon

It wasn’t long before the moon went away
Then the sun rose, already on its way
The sudden realization was sudden but clearly hard
Of a bigger picture, he was nothing but a shard

The sun and the moon were unknowingly chasing each other
Unconsciously, maybe they love one another
They may be blinded but the boy can see clearly
That his side of the story was not happy

The Universe
Ms. Takes

She was all the boy has ever known.
When night had yet to take the throne
And lay claim on the heavens above,
He’d watch her fiery form, claiming she is love.

Yet the sun was smart and so she knew
She can’t let the boy give her love so true
So she kept herself millions of miles away
Because it was the moon she wanted to sway

The sun figured this was the right thing to do
Only to find a wooden ladder coming through
The sun watched as he cut down a whole forest,
Hating that she could give nothing in exchange for his best.

Piece by piece, she tried breaking the ladder down,
Yet she knew, in love, there was no way around.
So she left the boy to what he was doing
And waited for the moon to take away the morning

The sun knew the moon would not wait for her
So she rose into the heavens like a blur,
Forgetting about the boy who was still building
A future she did not want a part in.

There have been many stories like this
Where we chase after a certain kind of bliss
That blinds us into a love waiting to rust
Because we love those who cannot love us.

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