
Literary: Inescapable

3/13/2020 09:05:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

What does one do
When he finds his being
Reduced to a mindless cycle
Of waking and sleeping
With only emptiness in between
What does he do
When he steps out
Hoping to find comfort
But only finds
That the world
Is a breeding ground
For apathy
That the crowds are a gathering
For the lonely
What does he do
When all that is offered to him
Are empty words
And sweet insignificance
What does he do
When he has to choose
Between nothing
And nothing

Maybe he does
Continue to accept
How reality keeps on shifting each day and night
Even when those dreams and feet
Keep appearing the same plot and footprints
Over and over
Maybe he does
Realize that apathy begins
Every time he's
Trying to grin through a crowded world
While he's the light
he has always been trying to perceive
Maybe he does not
Need to hear
The gloom of each word
That came from a phoney mouth
Maybe he does not
Need to choose
Between nothing and nothing
Maybe what he needs to do
Is to create something new

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