
Literary: Parallels

9/23/2016 08:15:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

There are theories that say multiple universes exist. In some of them, everything is exactly like it is here, except over there, George Harrison wasn’t in The Beatles.

Conversations about the multiverse fascinate me. They make me think about all the possibilities that could’ve, would’ve, and might’ve happened.

It makes me wonder about the ‘what ifs’ and ‘what abouts.’ Right now, in another universe, there’s a version of you and me, lying on the grass under a sky blanketed by stars. Alas, the ‘you and me’ of this universe are ten thousand miles apart and ten thousand times lonelier.

Somehow, I still reside in the fact that we will always be together, that there was and always will be an us—just not here, not in this universe.

And maybe it’s better that way.

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