
Whatever I will do, wherever I will go, someday I will need to come back home
You understand me
In a way I do not even know myself
Every hidden meaning to the nonsensical words I say
Every unvoiced call for help
Your eyes that see through everything I make
The lies I say to dig myself deeper in holes that weren't there in the first place
The walls I build to block out the world
The missteps I take as I walk through my life
You continue to love me as if I was more than my mistakes
And I am, and I know that because of you
Your words that help me understand
You always manage to make me think
Even in the times that I just want to disappear
The things that keep me up at night, you can string into sentences
You make them seemingly simple and certainly doable, real
As everything is, even when I don't want them to be
Your mind that makes you understand
Even though I am not as good with words
You exert the effort to listen to my lacking lexicon
Especially when I don't want to speak
You hear feelings, actions, and silence
I can never speak in small groups
Especially groups of two
But I thank you for listening
Your stories that amaze me
Each and every one new
It's like I was just getting to know you, and I guess I was
It shocked me how little I knew
In the span of time that we've known each other
In truth, you only knew me
Your arms come around me
As the waves of the ocean do to the shore
I feel the safest I can be
My sandcastle arms and seaweed hair have become too big for this beach
I have most definitely outgrown the sea
But still, this is what I call home
I love you, Mom
Literary: My One and Only

Whatever I will do, wherever I will go, someday I will need to come back home
You understand me
In a way I do not even know myself
Every hidden meaning to the nonsensical words I say
Every unvoiced call for help
Your eyes that see through everything I make
The lies I say to dig myself deeper in holes that weren't there in the first place
The walls I build to block out the world
The missteps I take as I walk through my life
You continue to love me as if I was more than my mistakes
And I am, and I know that because of you
Your words that help me understand
You always manage to make me think
Even in the times that I just want to disappear
The things that keep me up at night, you can string into sentences
You make them seemingly simple and certainly doable, real
As everything is, even when I don't want them to be
Your mind that makes you understand
Even though I am not as good with words
You exert the effort to listen to my lacking lexicon
Especially when I don't want to speak
You hear feelings, actions, and silence
I can never speak in small groups
Especially groups of two
But I thank you for listening
Your stories that amaze me
Each and every one new
It's like I was just getting to know you, and I guess I was
It shocked me how little I knew
In the span of time that we've known each other
In truth, you only knew me
Your arms come around me
As the waves of the ocean do to the shore
I feel the safest I can be
My sandcastle arms and seaweed hair have become too big for this beach
I have most definitely outgrown the sea
But still, this is what I call home
I love you, Mom