
Literary (Submission): Sincerely

10/26/2018 08:48:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Mr. DJ,

Call me whatever you want – a coward, a chicken, a sissy – but I still won’t be able to say it.
So with the help from you and a tune, I will (hopefully) be able to.

You see, there’s this person
Nothing remarkable about him, really.
I won’t tell you about how his eyes could outshine the stars of the galaxy, or how his smile can cure anything from the simplest colds to the most excruciating heartbreaks.
No. He isn’t any of those things.

He was, on the contrary, simple. Unnoticeable. Ordinary.
Hardly anything special.

But you might wonder then, why would I go the extra mile
And dedicate a song for him?

It’s because he looks at me as if I’m the only one.
He speaks with so much intelligence yet no one knows it.
He, himself, is lost yet he finds the time to help me find my way.
He isn’t his best yet but he tries his hardest to be.
He handles me with care as if I might break the next second
Yet he fights back, he argues.
He stands by whatever he believes in.
He saves me in ways he could never understand.

And I’d give him the world if I could.

Yet he has no idea mainly because I haven’t told him directly yet.

So I hope, now, he would hear.
Through this song, Wonderwall by Oasis
I hope my heart won’t remain unsung.

So wherever you are, I hope you like this one
Cause this one’s for you.

My Dear,

I find it extremely rude to not respond to a letter so even though it took time, finally, here’s my answer.

It hasn’t been long, whatever this is between us. It hasn’t been long since we became… something? Maybe? I don’t really know and I bet you don’t either.

To begin, I don’t even know how we crossed paths in the first place, or how we managed to even
stand one another enough to consider each other as friends. We are extremely different, total opposites even.

First of all, I don’t really believe in soulmates. While you believe in the concept of fate, wishing, and all things abstract. You trust in the universe’s ability to put two persons together. Unlike you, I don’t. I am a realist. I don’t let some magical being or absurd superstitions take over the reins of my life. I choose the practical and shun the romantic.

I love arguing and defending my point. You prefer everything calm. You hate fighting while I live for conflict and drama. I can’t go one moment without having to contradict whatever you say and you, somehow, just agree and it’s frustrating most of the time but I still secretly love it.

You believe in the unknown and you’re not afraid of the future. You are sure that things can go your way if you just will it to. And then there’s me who worries a lot, all the time. I panic at the slightest hint of uncertainty. I want everything planned and organized while you just go with whatever goes.

You’re kind-hearted, sometimes to a fault. You consider other people and you always put others, even strangers, first, which makes you admirable in my eyes. However, you end up leaving almost nothing for yourself. On the other hand, I prefer not to interact with people and I try to limit going out as much as possible. I’m not a total recluse but I thrive on solitude.

You like talking about emotional concepts while I avoid them mainly because I don’t want anything to do with serious stuff. I pay no attention to my emotions because, to me, they make a person weak, but you accept that feelings are what make us human. You listen to your heart, another trait I wish I had, while I follow whatever my brain wants me to do.

With everything said, we can conclude that we are far from the ideal. We don’t complete each other. We’re not opposites that attract. And we’re definitely not one of those people from movies or books, in which whatever happens, they still end up together.

No. We are two people with flaws. We help each other realize those faults. We balance each other out. And we are currently living in the excitement of the unpredictability of whatever this is. A grey area, a “perhaps, possibly” zone.

I have lots to thank you for but mostly because before you, I was fine with average. I learned to live with whatever it is life throws at me and simply play the hand I’m dealt. But you taught me not to settle with “okay”. You gave me the inspiration I didn’t know I needed. You taught me to wish on the superstitious 11:11 but somehow, you also helped me make my wish come true. And after every single bad day, you always know what to say to make everything all right.

Now, I won’t promise things like “I’ll like you forever”, or “My heart is yours” but I do know that I won’t be able to leave your side until you say so.

I just hope we could tread lightly on whatever this is so we won’t fall and break. Let’s just be happy. Let’s see where this goes and whose theories we will prove wrong. Let’s write our own story.

Sweet Potato

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