
Literary (Submission): An Ode to the Best Friend I Used to Have

10/26/2018 08:10:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

How are you?
We used to ask each other this all the time.
I guess these words would be very strange to you now
But I digress.
How are you?
I heard you were good,
And after all the hardships you and I have gone through,
I have to say I’m very happy for you.
You see, the sad never really left me alone,
You just left me alone to face them.
Oh my!
How rude of me to say these!
We’re practically strangers!
Practically strangers, wielding each other’s greatest secret
It’s almost funny how we would pass each other with no words spoken
When there was a time when we knew each other
To the deepest crevices of our being
I’m usually left wondering
If you and I were ever friends at all
Or were we just a one-sided relationship
You know, I guess I would say the same things to my ex
But saying these to you hurts a hundred times worse

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