
Literary (Submission): A Call to All

10/26/2018 08:32:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Breathe. Breathe.
There is truth in every sound, sight, feeling.
Take a look around—
The world seems at peace.
There’s the harmony of the sway of the grass and the crash of the ocean and the swishing in the colossal skies,
Of the towering mountains and endless rivers and immaculate moon and sun.
Snow drip, drip, dripping down from the branch of an evergreen tree
The warm glow descending from the heavens at dawn.

Breathe, step, breathe, step.
Again, truth in every word, smile, joy.
The brightened sea and sky shine as each life touches the earth,
For the Earth-once-known becomes one of even more vibrancy
Of even more magic
From the laugh of a child
The willful power of a helping hand
And the immortal words enclosed in each word we write, in each one we receive,
From the whispered wishes caught in the wind
And even shouts of joy and praise as one takes a shot and celebrates
The mundane dance of what life has to offer.

Wonderment! Excitement!

We’re truly here!
Aren’t we?
Are we not?

Why are we?

Why should we be?
Why do we deserve to be, if—if—

A fire starts.
Shouts rise in the distance—
A battle cry?
Isn’t each word a battle cry?
No—no, but everything else that isn’t becomes a cry,
A plea for help or wisdom and guidance or of anger or yearning or fear.
A sob—for we feel so lonely and nobody understands; nobody takes the time to understand, and people make us feel worse sometimes.
A yell—for justice, for truth, for an ancient vision of a nation that we’ve never come to reach
A bellow,
A stomp of anger,
A closing door,
An argument of sorts.
A failed promise
A disagreement
A cocking gun
A shot.
A falling nation, a fallen one, a taken life
Mercy, they cry, and yet—
Somewhere else, fireworks and airplanes go by
We’re celebrating, yay, we’re celebrating
We have so much to live for!
And we do, except—
Agony and pain are written on a person’s face.
Forced smiles are more common than real ones these days.
Turn on the news, and we find, and we think, what’s new?
And we change the channel.
A closing door,
A signed agreement
A secret negotiation
A handshake
A punch, a kick
A mistaken face,
A cocking gun,
A shot.
A falling town, a falling man.
Everything written in red, in All Caps and yet we don’t see
We don’t see each other
We don’t see eye to eye
Then we host parties and invite people over
And we forget.
But the starving, the dying, the lonely, the falling, the hurt
The hurt
Those we’ve wounded and those we’ve scarred
Those we’ve pushed too hard
People who are only people
People who are only there
Children, women, men, elders
Soldiers, politicians, businessmen, singers, journalists, parents, teachers, students
And every day they hurt.
They hurt just as we do,
Suffering and regret
Sadness and anger, so much anger
Blame, why can’t we find someone to blame
Crying—why am I crying?
When are we not crying?
There is truth in every sound, sight, feeling.

Don’t forget this,
That there is truth in every sound, sight, feeling.

A new sound
A new sight
A new feeling
A new truth.
A new life.
A new chance.

We may be lost
We are lost.
We have made a mess.
There is hope
There comes the dawn; there comes the shining of a sunrise:
Hope is present in all of us
And we have faith in what we can be.
We have all simply

There is truth in that.

There is truth in humanity as well,
In that
We are human, we are nature,
And we can change our ways.
Just as the seas turn to clouds then to the sea once more,
We will return to the ground
And find our roots.
Just as the snow melts back into water
And water turns to snow once the wind comes knocking
We will find our ways.


For there is truth;

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