batch 2019,

For 19nite, from 2024

10/24/2018 08:30:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Hello batch 2019!
We would like to wish you good luck for your UPCAT!
Thank you for all the memories, no matter how small, you shared with us.
Thank you for your patience whenever we would be too immature for you.
Even if you'll all be in college in the next few years, please, please visit us, for all of us and all of the other batches will miss you.

Whenever a batch in UPIS leaves for college, there will always be another empty hole for us to fill. But with that empty hole comes our pride for all of your accomplishments and memories.

College will most definitely bring hardships, but you all have to remember that all the problems you will encounter will just be new challenges in your life. Whatever university you enter, you will always meet new people- people who will stay in your life forever, and people who will only be temporary. No matter who they are, always be sure to learn a new lesson from each one you meet. Don't ever take anybody or anything for granted. Everything has a reason- may it be a low grade or a fight with a friend. It's all a challenge you have to overcome and an adventure you have to make. Make the best of all your memories, and learn from your mistakes. When the world becomes too much, remember that there will always be someone to hold on to, to cry on, and to love and support you through it all.

You are not alone.

Goodluck on your UPCAT and on the new chapter you are starting in your lives.

Sincerely, batch 2024

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