
Opinion (Submission): The Theory of Education

4/13/2015 07:30:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

“All is well!”say the idiots!

All is truly well in education if you are someone who always finishes on top of the class… But for me, not so much.

I never got that Grade Point Average of 1.0. I never received awards for being a good student in anything. Does that make us not-so-good students if we don’t get called up on stage?

I already know I’m not that good a student. I know my capabilities. I hate studying Math, Science, Filipino, or all those annoying subjects. They’re just not my forte.

But I love music. Music, actual music, is my kind of education. It’s that feeling you get ticklin’ ivories, or strumming the strings on a guitar. It’s that warm sensation you get listening to songs and hearing tones. That’s my kind of music-enhanced, joyful education. But there’s no way I can get that here.

There’s no such thing as quality education even after all I’ve said. There’s only the idea of quality education. If you go online and search for quality education, you won’t get any good result.

You have to look inside you for quality education. You have to ask yourself what you want to learn, not what everyone wants to learn. Why teach someone a little of everything if in school there is no one teacher who teaches everything? What kind of system is that?

I don’t want to learn how to be a good student, I want to learn how to find myself. I go to school to be me, not what people want me to be.

Quality education is your ideas and what you find worth your time. For others, it is school, for me, everything above school because I believe my characteristics and dreams or any other for that matter, is above any other education that tuition can buy.

That drive, that pull to learn something, to learn your passion, now that’s education. It’s not the knowledge, it’s the wanting for knowledge. When you feel that drive to learn, that’s when you know when you’ve learned. Like my first time pressing the middle key on the piano, I knew my life's purpose was to pursue music.

So we go to school to find our center. Our forte, our castle of solitude, our score. I don’t know everyone else's idea of quality education, but I know I’ve found mine.

If you want to be a doctor, go heal the sick. If you want to become a policeman, go save the helpless. If you want to be a teacher, go impart wisdom. If you want to make people happy, make them happy by being happy. Like a clown, tell jokes! (I have a corny joke… Imagine if there was a place called “sample”, and when you get there, there’s a big sign that says, “You’re in (urine) sample” (hue hue LOL).

You’re passion helps others realize theirs. Your gift gives gifts. The world is at peace if everyone just dreamed. So go out there and find yours. / by Samuel Silvestre

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