dan avila,

Literary (Submission): Happy

4/10/2015 09:17:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Let me tell you a secret: You make me happy.

You do, despite the fact that I do not see you on a regular basis. You do, even if I can only corner limited minutes of your precious time. You do, notwithstanding the fact I can only show you how much I care from a distance (at least for now). You do, even though there’s much I have to go through before you say yes.

You may ask why. Here, let me tell you.

I have to get this off my chest first. You’re just amazing! Until this time, I cannot believe I’ve been given the opportunity to witness and experience how your beauty simply overwhelms. Years ago, I was but a nameless spectator catching momentary glimpses of your presence. Now, from smitten to falling, you have held my emotions hostage for the entire world to see.

Truth be told, I have unclear memories of our first distant encounter. I do not remember the color of the clothes you wore. I do not have any recollection of the precise thing you were doing. But that face of yours. That angelic, blemish-free, tender, stunning face of yours I could not forget.

You were so beautiful. (You still are.)

When I think about it, you were gone years ago. I painfully knew you were only a fleeting spectacle, never to venture back into my expectant consciousness. Just like all those distractions that pass by to plaster a temporary smile on my face. My world, I thought, was too far away from yours.

How wrong I was. 2014. That year, you entered and re-entered my life. Thinking about it, I never had a good talk with Fate as to why she had to push you towards me, then pull you back out of my consciousness and then thrust you back again in my life. Fate could have simply brought us closer together in one sweet encounter and let the both of us take care of the rest. But no. That fate seemingly loves complications is beyond me.

Yet, my first communication to you I still left in Fate’s hands. It took me almost an hour to compose the first text message I would be sending you. I was shuddering with the thought that you would not reply. I expected you to ignore my text and dismiss me as a creep. But what the heck. I took a leap of
faith and sent you a text message out of nowhere. You replied. Now, here we are. You’re making me happy.

Did I answer why are you making me so happy? Not yet? This will answer that question.

I have fallen for you.

Honestly, I don’t know when I realized it. Maybe it was during our serendipitous encounter a month after I first sent you a text message. I can never forget that day. I temporarily lost the capacity for thought when I recognized I was walking towards you, you towards me. Or maybe it was during our first date together. I still remember how giddy you felt when we settled in the table with an overlooking view of the metro’s horizon. I could not, for the life of me, distinguish which was more beautiful that night, the view, or you in front of me.

Wait, maybe it was during that unplanned December stroll in the mall. I distinctly remember giving you my best smile when you asked me, while we were on the escalator, if I was getting sleepy. How could I get sleepy when you were with me? Or maybe it was that night we watched that musical? The minute you walked outside the door of your house wearing a teal dress, I could only define beautiful by one word. You. That night was just magical. I think I told you I wished the night never ended.

Now you know. You know what would make me happier? I see you smiling back at me. I see you happy. (It won’t be bad if you say yes too.)

So, what do you think?

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