
Literary: Mother's Pet Shop

2/23/2019 08:12:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Mother started her pet shop 121 years ago. Although, she just finished paying an unfair debt 73 years ago.

Her pet shop has had 16 managers. Unfortunately, the first had to be fired due to the unfair debt. The actions of the managers after that had to be approved by the debt collectors. A new one was appointed when the old debt collectors were bought out by other debt collectors. However, the old ones came back and saw that Mother’s shop was not doing well since the new debt collectors, so they just forgave Mother’s debt and left, claiming that they “saved” the pet shop from an oppressive debt scheme.

The first few managers that Mother was able to appoint by herself did well in getting things back up. Unfortunately, the one who showed great potential to do good, turned out to be pocketing money from the register to buy his wife tons of shoes. He also paid the janitor to make the doves disappear. He claimed the doves had the “Red Plague”. His “New Pet Shop” plan also turned out to be a scam. Mother kicked him out and he joined up with the old debt collectors.

Things from then on have not been so great. Another manager was kicked out for stealing money. Only this time, he was also running a poker club in the basement. The one after that spent too much time talking on the phone with her friend Garci. The next one tried to set things straight, but he didn’t really do much at all.

The latest one appealed to Mother because he seemed determined to set things right and he promised all the unwanted merchandise would be “wiped out” in 3 to 6 months. Except not only did that not happen, but Mother also suspected that he killed the black cats that won’t sell. He claimed the black cats were too violent to be on sale due to an alleged catnip addiction. He also started to sound like one of the parrots with his false promises, rants and swearing. He also blames other pet shops for our lack of business. Mother’s other pet shop-owning friends all agree our manager is out of control.

Mother hoped he would change his ways. Like the manager whose wife had a shoe fetish, he could have done so much good for the pet shop if he just paid attention to what the animals and customers needed. At the very least, it would have been great if he stopped swearing like a parrot.

By this point mother was fed up, she had it with managers stealing from her, abusing the animals and in general not being productive and beneficial for the pet shop and the animals living there. She walked right up to the manager and said, “If you don’t straighten yourself up, you’ll be worse than fired!” She then listed in alphabetical order the many ways other pet shops dealt with their crooked managers. When he heard about the pet shop across town and what they did to their manager who ate cake instead of feeding the animals, he knew what he should do.

Now he no longer “does away” with the cats, he now puts them through an adoption program. He also now limits his rants to once a month. Things are now looking up for Mother’s pet shop, another pet shop even decided to invest in it. The only remainder of the bad days are the parrots who still unfortunately swear and rant.

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