
To my future self
It's okay to lose hope
Every bit of it inside you
Because I know,
It will come back
Eventually, unexpectedly.
It's okay to drown in tears at night
Or in the middle of the day
Because I know,
That tomorrow will be better than today.
It's okay to feel pain
In your heart, as much as it could take
Because I know
It will always heal
No matter how many times it will break.
It's okay to let things slip away
To witness the one you love
Fall out of love with you
Because I know
The right person will come your way
And look for all the right reasons to stay.
It's okay to have bad days, weeks
and months
Because I know that someday,
Maybe after a year, a week, a month
Or even when you've lost count
All will work out and mend
The once life-draining point in your life
You thought would never end
Literary (Submission): To My Future Self x To My Past Self

To my future self
It's okay to lose hope
Every bit of it inside you
Because I know,
It will come back
Eventually, unexpectedly.
It's okay to drown in tears at night
Or in the middle of the day
Because I know,
That tomorrow will be better than today.
It's okay to feel pain
In your heart, as much as it could take
Because I know
It will always heal
No matter how many times it will break.
It's okay to let things slip away
To witness the one you love
Fall out of love with you
Because I know
The right person will come your way
And look for all the right reasons to stay.
It's okay to have bad days, weeks
and months
Because I know that someday,
Maybe after a year, a week, a month
Or even when you've lost count
All will work out and mend
The once life-draining point in your life
You thought would never end
To my past self
It’s okay to lose hope?
What were you thinking?
I didn’t know, I didn’t expect
That it takes a long time to come back
If at all
It's okay to drown in tears at night?
I can’t even save myself
From the flood I created
Because I didn’t know
That the tomorrow you spoke of
Was even worse than today
It’s okay to feel pain?
I took too much for my heart to bear
Because I didn’t know
That despite it healing
It always leaves marks and scars
It's okay to let things slip away?
I let go, I moved on
I accepted the fact that it wasn’t right
But I didn’t know
That useless waiting
Hurts much more than staying
It's okay to have bad days, weeks
and months?
Someday, one day, we don’t know
Will the day ever come
When I’ll finally find myself truly happy?
Will it ever arrive?
Will this void in my life ever be filled?
Tell me, please tell me
Because I’m tired of waiting
For the future you spoke of