
Am I Still?
Will I still be all right for you?
If who I am
Is not discovered by simply looking
For to know and to find
Is to dig again and again
Till exhaustion takes over
If what I desire
Is not something one can hold
Can’t see, smell, hear nor touch
Something indescribable
Yet so common and familiar
If where I stay
Is not where most people are
Not within the confines of the usual
But probably on the borderline
Of sense and insanity
If when I love
I also hurt those I treasure the most
Without knowing it
For pride and reticence
Unintentionally come first
If how I live
Means keeping a mask on
For behind my smile
Is where my demons are
Where they truly reside
And if why I hide
Is because building walls
Became a habit of mine
And running away when one comes close
Became a natural response
After everything that’s been revealed
Am I still all right for you?
Literary: Am I Still? x Always

Am I Still?
Will I still be all right for you?
If who I am
Is not discovered by simply looking
For to know and to find
Is to dig again and again
Till exhaustion takes over
If what I desire
Is not something one can hold
Can’t see, smell, hear nor touch
Something indescribable
Yet so common and familiar
If where I stay
Is not where most people are
Not within the confines of the usual
But probably on the borderline
Of sense and insanity
If when I love
I also hurt those I treasure the most
Without knowing it
For pride and reticence
Unintentionally come first
If how I live
Means keeping a mask on
For behind my smile
Is where my demons are
Where they truly reside
And if why I hide
Is because building walls
Became a habit of mine
And running away when one comes close
Became a natural response
After everything that’s been revealed
Am I still all right for you?
You will still be all right for me
Even if who you are
Cannot be determined by simply looking
Even if I have to seek
Every inch of this land
From what's out in the open
To the depths of our souls
Even if what you desire
Is a mere concept no one can hold
Even if I, myself am not sure
Of what it is, what it feels like
Or what it will bring
Even if where you are
Is far away from the usual
May it be two, three, or a thousand steps back
From where I used to be
Even if when you love
Your actions show the opposite
I will love you
Even if it means being pushed away
Even if how you live
Means hiding your true self
I will look beyond your eyes
Beneath your smile
And accept all there is
Even if you build walls
To keep people like me
From coming close to you
I will wait despite uncertainty
Until I am worthy of you
And even when everything has been revealed
Don’t you worry, my love
You will always be all right for me