
Unspoken Vows
Dear Almost:
I loved you, but it’s not enough. Before we part ways, promise me these.
Promise me you'll sing again; sing to somebody who'll listen to your beautiful melody— Unlike me. You were a person who never gives up on something, you were passionate in all that you do, and that you were singing these songs for me, none of which I ever noticed.
Promise me you'll trust again; trust somebody who'll hear you out sincerely— Unlike me. You were always there for me, even if I wasn't, you were tired of always understanding, and that you were slowly drifting away from me, none of which I ever accepted
Promise me you'll be happy again; be happy with somebody who'll be happy to be with you too— Unlike me. You felt you were imposing yourself on me, that you were nothing but a nuisance, and that you were unloved. None of which was true because I did—
I was just a little too stupid and a little bit insecure.
Promise me you'll give love another chance; a chance for somebody to see your worth— Unlike the way I didn't notice that you were worth all the time, that you were worth all these maybes, that you were worth fighting for and that you were worth loving over,
and over,
and over.
I'm sorry. I’m sorry for not noticing, I’m sorry for not accepting, I’m sorry for not making you happy—
I’m sorry, for making you un-love me.
Literary (Submission): Unspoken Vows x Unsaid Farewell

Unspoken Vows
Dear Almost:
I loved you, but it’s not enough. Before we part ways, promise me these.
Promise me you'll sing again; sing to somebody who'll listen to your beautiful melody— Unlike me. You were a person who never gives up on something, you were passionate in all that you do, and that you were singing these songs for me, none of which I ever noticed.
Promise me you'll trust again; trust somebody who'll hear you out sincerely— Unlike me. You were always there for me, even if I wasn't, you were tired of always understanding, and that you were slowly drifting away from me, none of which I ever accepted
Promise me you'll be happy again; be happy with somebody who'll be happy to be with you too— Unlike me. You felt you were imposing yourself on me, that you were nothing but a nuisance, and that you were unloved. None of which was true because I did—
I was just a little too stupid and a little bit insecure.
Promise me you'll give love another chance; a chance for somebody to see your worth— Unlike the way I didn't notice that you were worth all the time, that you were worth all these maybes, that you were worth fighting for and that you were worth loving over,
and over,
and over.
I'm sorry. I’m sorry for not noticing, I’m sorry for not accepting, I’m sorry for not making you happy—
I’m sorry, for making you un-love me.
Unsaid Farewell
Dear Never Again:
I loved you. Loved. But before I leave you, I must promise you these.
I promise to sing again; to someone who'll listen to my voice and not just hear it, to someone who'll show interest. Because I never give up. I am passionate, especially in singing but it's discouraging when no one notices.
I promise to trust again; trust somebody who values my words and values me too. Because I was always there for you and I tried to understand you. But now I have drifted away and we just have to accept it.
I promise to be happy again; happy with someone who wants to be happy with me. Someone who makes me feel the way I never felt before. Someone who doesn't make me feel like I'm imposing, like I'm a nuisance or that I'm unloved. Someone who will treat me the way I deserve to be.
I promise—
I promise to give love another chance. Because I know my worth and someone out there deserves to be blessed with it. My songs are meant to be listened to. My words are meant to be understood. My laugh is worth the noise it comes with.
My love is worth what it offers.
Unnoticed, unaccepted, unhappy. It is all okay and it's all in the past— because it is all in the past. I'm sorry that we had a fallout and we had to fall out of love.