
I believe that everything has its reason, that things are meant to happen, emotions are meant to be felt, and realities are meant to be accepted. To keep moving forward no matter what happens, whether you can’t find your purpose or you lost your happiness. Don’t go backwards despite the pain of your past keeps pulling you to them; if things are getting tough stop for a moment, think about what you should and shouldn’t be doing. And the most common misconception is that you should always do the right thing. No, you shouldn’t. Choose the wise decision over being right, because if you’re doing nothing wrong, you’re not improving yourself, there are no mistakes to learn from. If you keep going right, you’re always bound to come back to where you began. I learned that the hard way.
For years I remained hopeful, for a love that I thought was worth trying. I knew that I shouldn’t rush things so I waited, I thought that waiting for the right time, waiting for the universe to do its magic is all I had to do. But, no it doesn’t work that way. I was losing hope, after being hurt and feeling so tired, I broke down. I spent weeks sleeping at 3AM, months of inconsistency, and years of trying hard to have something that isn’t really meant to be, just to find out that this wasn’t for me, this, isn’t ever going to be for us. But despite what happened, I have no regrets. And I’m not taking back what I said that she was worth pursuing, because I still think she is, but the thing is we don’t deserve each other. We couldn’t give the love we both deserved.
But I found a new light, a reason to believe that that there’s something better in store for us. She started out as someone who makes me smile for no reason. And eventually we became the happiness I lost, it wasn’t the same as before, but why ask for the same thing if the fate of that is just to be lost again. To be the one that sees her best even when she’s at her best... to have someone lift you even when you’re at your lowest. To never had the thought to complain that you’re tired of what you’re doing because you always see that she’s worth every single effort. Actually being valuable to someone, the feeling that you really are likeable, that someone could actually love you the way you deserve to be loved. To have someone pick up your broken pieces as you pick up hers. Finally having a reason to believe in love again, a reason to believe that things will be better.
This may seem too optimistic but it’s another point of view you may want to consider. You may not get what you wanted the first time around, but you’ll get the good things you deserve eventually. Always choose the wise decision over the right one. Choose to move forward and refuse to move backward, you’re never unworthy of the good things in life. Thank you because you’re the inspiration behind my theorization.
Literary: My Theory of Everything

I believe that everything has its reason, that things are meant to happen, emotions are meant to be felt, and realities are meant to be accepted. To keep moving forward no matter what happens, whether you can’t find your purpose or you lost your happiness. Don’t go backwards despite the pain of your past keeps pulling you to them; if things are getting tough stop for a moment, think about what you should and shouldn’t be doing. And the most common misconception is that you should always do the right thing. No, you shouldn’t. Choose the wise decision over being right, because if you’re doing nothing wrong, you’re not improving yourself, there are no mistakes to learn from. If you keep going right, you’re always bound to come back to where you began. I learned that the hard way.
For years I remained hopeful, for a love that I thought was worth trying. I knew that I shouldn’t rush things so I waited, I thought that waiting for the right time, waiting for the universe to do its magic is all I had to do. But, no it doesn’t work that way. I was losing hope, after being hurt and feeling so tired, I broke down. I spent weeks sleeping at 3AM, months of inconsistency, and years of trying hard to have something that isn’t really meant to be, just to find out that this wasn’t for me, this, isn’t ever going to be for us. But despite what happened, I have no regrets. And I’m not taking back what I said that she was worth pursuing, because I still think she is, but the thing is we don’t deserve each other. We couldn’t give the love we both deserved.
But I found a new light, a reason to believe that that there’s something better in store for us. She started out as someone who makes me smile for no reason. And eventually we became the happiness I lost, it wasn’t the same as before, but why ask for the same thing if the fate of that is just to be lost again. To be the one that sees her best even when she’s at her best... to have someone lift you even when you’re at your lowest. To never had the thought to complain that you’re tired of what you’re doing because you always see that she’s worth every single effort. Actually being valuable to someone, the feeling that you really are likeable, that someone could actually love you the way you deserve to be loved. To have someone pick up your broken pieces as you pick up hers. Finally having a reason to believe in love again, a reason to believe that things will be better.
This may seem too optimistic but it’s another point of view you may want to consider. You may not get what you wanted the first time around, but you’ll get the good things you deserve eventually. Always choose the wise decision over the right one. Choose to move forward and refuse to move backward, you’re never unworthy of the good things in life. Thank you because you’re the inspiration behind my theorization.