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Literary: A Theory on Everything

10/27/2017 09:01:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

What is everything?

First, everything is me,
I am everything.
That’s what I care about most.
That’s what I value most.

Then everything is family,
They are the people in my life,
Who care about me and for me;
Their mere presence makes anywhere,
Have the familiar comfort of a home;

Then everything is my friends,
They are those with whom I find,
The pleasures and joys of life,
And they are that warm embrace,
When my face is streaked with tears.

Then everything is the universe,
It is the stars and planets,
And that vast expanse between;
It dwarfs me in its magnificence,
Leaving me but a speck of dust;

But now and most importantly,
Everything is you,

You are the stars and planets,
And that vast expanse between;
You dwarf me in your magnificence,
Leaving me but a speck of dust;
You, to me, are the universe.

You are her with whom I find,
The pleasures and joys of life;
And you are that warm embrace,
When my face is streaked with tears.
You, to me, are a friend.

You are that person in my life,
Who cares about me and for me;
Your mere presence makes anywhere,
Have the familiar comfort of a home;
You, to me, are family.

And you’re what I value most.
You’re what I care about most.
You, to me, are everything

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