
Literary (Submission): Broken Pen

10/13/2017 09:00:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Everyone is more than just “human”
We were more than just “human”

I was the ink
You were the holder

Together, we drew stars in the sky to brighten up the night
We wrote myths and legends that were more than simple stories
I was the ink that tried to add life and color
You were the holder that kept me together

For all those years, we thought the work of art we made would simply remain in the canvas of the universe
We, or at the very least, I... was wrong

I got so full and ahead of myself
Trying to color every blank space of the cosmos
And did not realize I escaped your grasp that held me ever so safely

And for who knows how long, we’ve drifted apart
I found things that I thought needed some color
You found things that held you when you were breaking apart
When I never could

By some miracle, by some wish granted perhaps by a shooting star
We met each other again, and things as we know it, we’re already different
And got me questioning, if we could ever collaborate again

And if we ever can
The stars may be drawn in a new set of constellations
Or the stories that may be written cannot have an end

But it can all start again
With the most random, useless thing someone can give
But I never thought I would keep

A broken pen

A pen that was fascinatingly snapped in half
You gave it to me in an almost random and spontaneous manner

But maybe I thought
Maybe this broken thing can put things back together
Maybe I thought
We can now draw the stars again together

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