
Literary: Zero Clicks Given

9/29/2017 08:59:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Waking up at ease
With fresh eyes
And a rested mind
Has now become a rarity

On these unusual days
When the sunlight
Calmly hits my face,
When all else is quiet
Save for the humming of
My merry fleeting thoughts

I choose to photograph
And lock these days
In my memory

I know full well
That these are but passing bouts –
Quick, evanescent
A taste of happy amidst a palette
Of a sullen, mundane life

So might as well remember
That I, too, am capable
Of happiness and content

Might as well photograph
The sights, sounds, feelings
That once again
Has made me feel
Alive and beating.

Now you get why I never photographed you.

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