
Years of laughter
Building up wholesome friendship
Inspiring teachers
Guiding us through our hardships
Months of preparation
For upcoming finals
No exact direction
I’m still in denial
Weeks became lockdowns
A quick breather from commotions
Less time for breakdowns
More time to avoid emotions
Days suddenly felt timed
24 hours left behind
School felt undefined
There is too little time
Hours of so much work assigned
Staring among our screens
Overloaded information in my mind
Functioning as if we’re machines
Give me a minute!
A minute to think
A minute to breathe
A minute to let it sink
If there was only one second
For a second chance
A chance to bring back time
A moment that will last
Literary: Tick-tock

Years of laughter
Building up wholesome friendship
Inspiring teachers
Guiding us through our hardships
Friendship built for years
Memories we make every day
The past that we’ll see
Will be today
Moments we hold dear
Hopefully won't go away
Months of preparation
For upcoming finals
No exact direction
I’m still in denial
Months of review
All for just one moment
More colleges to pursue
No time for amusement
Weeks became lockdowns
A quick breather from commotions
Less time for breakdowns
More time to avoid emotions
Weeks came down hard
Withdrawal from school
Everything got barred
Left feeling unsure
Days suddenly felt timed
24 hours left behind
School felt undefined
There is too little time
Days dwindling down
Time is ticking by
We will be on our own
Didn’t get the chance to say goodbye
Hours of so much work assigned
Staring among our screens
Overloaded information in my mind
Functioning as if we’re machines
Hours of productivity
One after another
It feels like an eternity
I’m being smothered
Give me a minute!
A minute to think
A minute to breathe
A minute to let it sink
Give me a minute!
A minute to relax
A minute to reboot
A minute to kick back
If there was only one second
For a second chance
A chance to bring back time
A moment that will last
If there was only one second left
I’ll find my way
To the memories I’ve repressed
Back to the good old days