
Literary: Growing Pains

12/14/2019 09:08:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Then, I never ran out of friendly faces
Of helping hands in dark places
Familiar words from familiar voices
Guidance when I’m out of choices

Now, I long for the comforts of my old bed
A distant memory inside my head
I wish to turn back time instead
to go back and revisit the life I led

But my bones have stretched and grown
My body, larger than the clothes I’ve known
My muscles ache, they’re tough like stone
But this pain, I deal with all alone

Starkly different a couple years back
Endless laughter, never have I lacked
Prepared for knees to bruise and bones to crack
My vision seemingly darkened, completely turned black

I can no longer turn my back and flee
For the future awaits, though I failed to foresee
The path I’m headed, full of uncertainty
I've decided… I'll continue my journey with nothing but glee

I hope I won’t run out of friendly faces
Of helping hands in dark places
Familiar words from familiar voices
Guidance when I’m out of choices

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