
Literary (Submission): 2 Tales Before Bedtime

3/30/2019 07:24:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

Once upon a time, in a kingdom faraway, there lived a king.

He lived in a kingdom had two wives and seven children. He was known for spoiling his children, letting them to study wherever they want and eat whatever they want. Despite this, they were never contented with their lives.

Since becoming king, his people have been divided in their opinion of him.
The first group praised and loved him for his power and wealth. The other group considered him a dictator, abusive of power and murderer.

The rebels were killed.

That night, the king bid his family good night. The king felt safe as he drifted off to sleep, his family by his side.

And he lived happily ever after in his paradise.

The end.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom faraway, there lived a farmer.

He lived in a small hut with his wife and two children. He was known to work hard for his family. He wakes up very early in the morning to start with his tasks for the day. At noon, he sends his children to school and picks them up before sunset. He’s happily contented with his life.

Since the coronation of the new king, farmers have been displeased with him. Farms were sold to big companies favored by the king. This caused the farmers to rebel against the king’s administration. He joined other people in the street

The farmer was killed.

That night, the farmer bid his family goodbye. The farmer felt defeat as he drifted off to sleep, his family in tears.

And the farmer never lived after.

His end.

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