
Literary (Submission): You and I

10/24/2014 08:09:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

by Michael Tee, Jr.

You are a sunflower
That always faces the bright side of things
And you stand with the heat and light on your face

I am the mushroom
That looms in the shadows, hiding from everyone
And I lie in the damp cool ground within my caves

We are different from each other
Completely opposite
Together for now, but will soon part from each other

by Zero

You are water
That ripples in my mind
And splashes the rocks by the sea

I am oil
That can’t catch up with your greatness
And am slow but more intact

We are elements that aren’t for each other
Whatever we do we can’t be together
It would be better if we could
Just part ways. Forever.


You are like the rainbow
That appears after the rain
And gives me hope for a better day

I am like the moon
That can never be with you
And always in the dark without you

We are like the sky and earth
That can never be together
But here I am, still hoping for the better

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