
Literary (Submission): Suki Desu

10/13/2014 08:30:00 PM Media Center 0 Comments

I know that we have only known each other for a short time
But you left a great impact on me
A thousand mountains I will climb for you
So that "you and I" could be "we"

I don’t know if you remember
The few times we spent together
We were talking and laughing with others
I wish it would continue forever

Your eyes are as small as a distant star
That shines bright even from afar
Your smile is like a flower brilliantly blooming
One that I will forever be longing

I want you to be my O-sei-san
And I will be your romantic Jose Rizal
I will be as strong as Jackie Chan
To protect you from any kind of trial

But you are an impossible dream
Whose radiance will always gleam
I know that I will never have your heart
But your perfection just makes me fall apart

I know to many I may seem foolish
For chasing girls I know I do not have a chance with
Maybe I am just someone who dreams of the impossible
Desiring love which is improbable

Remember me, please do!
In return I will never forget about you
So goodbye for now, Hime-sama
Adios, farewell, sayonara!

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